Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Live on Trains • Guardian • 2024

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Railway + Cinema • Yasujirō Ozu • Japan • 20C

The Japanese film director, Yasujirō Ozu had a long and distinguished career in cinema. Many of his films play-out against a background of railway action. That doesn’t mean that things happen on the train, but the action takes place in … Continue reading

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Railway Factory • Building a Locomotive • Southern Railway • 1930s

I found this image in an old book about the History of the Southern Railway (1936).

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Film Showcards • The Overland Limited • 1925

The greatest railroad photo-play ever made…. The Union Pacific route between Chicago and San Francisco

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John Betjeman • Poet of the Rails • Liverpool St Stn • London • 1961

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US Streamliner • 1930s

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Davis Bowie • Trans-Siberia Express • 1973

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Humour • HS2 • 2023

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Model Railway • Folkestone • 2023

This is a lovely model of the rural railway in Washington state (Twin Peaks), and with terrific trackside timber buildings and wonderful autumn trees…and a top logo on the freight.

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Model Railway • Folkestone • 2023

Control panel

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